Owning a business is not just about money. Of course we need money to live, eat and enjoy ourselves, but it's more than that. It' s a lifestyle. A lifestyle with an abundance of wealth and the freedom to enjoy it.
In order to live the lifestyle, you need to set up automated systems that allow you to progressively grow your business. You can easily run an online company that generates $100,000 or more each month. But since you're only one person, you need to simplify your business by automating as much as possible.
You can start any type of business you wish, but my recommendation would be to start an information publishing business. Your costs are extremely low, you have no overhead, your customers receive their products automatically, so you don't have to be physically involved in the sales process, your profit margins are extremely high, and you can run your business anywhere in the world with access to a computer and an internet connection.
If you are under financial pressure or personal stress, you need to relax. Trying to make money by the end of the week is a band aid fix. You'll be looking for money by the end of next week again, and the week after that. A proper business gives you a long term solution to your finances. In the online world, your business can make you money the very first month you start. The next month, your online income should grow and the month after that it should grow again. Your income should continue to grow month after month. So take a deep breath and find a quiet place where you can concentrate and get your business started.
Scary Statistics
93% of Americans who reach the age of 65 are either dead or dead broke. After forty years of hard work, 93% are in poverty or dead. These facts are from a study by the US Department of Labor Statistics. But it doesn't stop there.
In order to live the lifestyle, you need to set up automated systems that allow you to progressively grow your business. You can easily run an online company that generates $100,000 or more each month. But since you're only one person, you need to simplify your business by automating as much as possible.
You can start any type of business you wish, but my recommendation would be to start an information publishing business. Your costs are extremely low, you have no overhead, your customers receive their products automatically, so you don't have to be physically involved in the sales process, your profit margins are extremely high, and you can run your business anywhere in the world with access to a computer and an internet connection.
If you are under financial pressure or personal stress, you need to relax. Trying to make money by the end of the week is a band aid fix. You'll be looking for money by the end of next week again, and the week after that. A proper business gives you a long term solution to your finances. In the online world, your business can make you money the very first month you start. The next month, your online income should grow and the month after that it should grow again. Your income should continue to grow month after month. So take a deep breath and find a quiet place where you can concentrate and get your business started.
Scary Statistics
93% of Americans who reach the age of 65 are either dead or dead broke. After forty years of hard work, 93% are in poverty or dead. These facts are from a study by the US Department of Labor Statistics. But it doesn't stop there.
The majority of men had more money at age 18 than they do at age 68.
85% of people have less than $250 in the bank when they officially retire.
33% of all senior citizens live well below the current established poverty level.
Social Security payments are the major source of income for 63% of those aged 65 or older and it's the only source of income for 18% of all retirees.
It's hard enough to live with a small income when you're young, but imagine being 70 and barely having enough money to pay your property taxes, rent, or food. Forget about having fun. You'll probably have to go back to work just to make ends meet. This is not what you want your Golden Years to look like.
How Much Money Can You Make Online?
How much money can you make online? It's like asking how long is a piece of string? The majority of the people who try to make money online will make very little. They don't follow a proven plan, they jump from one program to the next in search of the magic pill that will make them rich, and then they give up. That's where you have an advantage. You have a plan to follow, all you have to do is take action.
So how much money can you make online? My biggest sales event grossed $138,950 in seven days, but some of the big name marketers have made over a million dollars in 24 hours. How much will you make? It depends on how much action you take, how dedicated you are, and how willing you are to follow a proven formula.
What Really Works Online?
Action. Taking action moves you forward. But it's scary to commit to something, because you're not sure if the course of action you decide to take will pay off or not. You're afraid to waste your time with activities that will not bring you closer to your financial and personal goals. You are right to be cautious, but don't confuse being cautious with being prudent. Often the most prudent thing to do is to take action and start moving towards your goal. You make corrections, refine your strategy, learn from your mistakes and keep moving.
Starting an online business doesn't have to be scary. The fastest way to achieve your goal is to follow a proven business model. It cuts your learning curve substantially and gives you a proven path to follow. Set yourself realistic expectations and then put your time and energy into reaching your goals.
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